Author: Elias Alias

  • Identity


    All I wanted to do was cash a check. I approached a lady who’s name plate said “Teller”. The name plate did not indicate whether she was married or single, so I decided to call her “Ms. Teller”. She was an outstanding product of the finest training conjurable by the modern banking industry, so she naturally had little extra…

  • The Great Coronavirus Job Hunt Part Five

    The Great Coronavirus Job Hunt Part Five

    The Great Coronavirus Job Hunt Part Five by Elias Alias April 2020 Pleasant Flicker Rates On Computer Screens VIDEOS Let’s look at one of the best, and most current videos first. This jewel is by Miss Dana Ashlie, posted April 16 2020. What in the world is actually going on? Document reveals plans, step by…

  • The Great Coronavirus Job Hunt Part Four

    The Great Coronavirus Job Hunt Part Four

    by Elias Alias, with a little help from my friends Editor’s Note: This Part Four in the series on The Great Coronavirus Job Hunt is under construction.  Thank you for your understanding. Let’s create a video library. Let’s start with this one first – Medical Tyranny 2020 (Courtesy of InfoWars) 27,897 views by April 15…

  • The Great Coronavirus Job Hunt Part Three

    The Great Coronavirus Job Hunt Part Three

    Patterns. Peak events. Pandemics. Propaganda. Mass-produced perceptions in the collective consciousness. The Hegelian Dialectic. Surveillance Society. Medical Martial Law. Electro-magnetic pollution. Chemicals sprayed in our air supply overhead. GMO foods. Explosions in Autism, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, rapid aging syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, and Cancer. Federal involvement in the education of the children within the…

  • The Great Coronavirus Job Hunt Part Two

    The Great Coronavirus Job Hunt Part Two

    The Great Coronavirus Job Hunt Part Two by Elias Alias Readers Regiment PART TWO Coincidence As noted in Part One, I eventually lost interest in working for the CDC’s “Quarantine” program. Too bad, I thought, because I really need a job and a government job would probably be the only job an old guy like…

  • The Great Coronavirus Job Hunt Part 1

    The Great Coronavirus Job Hunt Part 1

    Personal Notions by Elias Alias PART ONE: I am a simple man happily living alone in the Rocky Mountain forests of northwest Montana where there is an abundance of un-used air. An old war veteran, I am toothless and wrinkled. I’ve an honorary lifetime membership in the Agent Orange Health Club, and am bent over a…

  • Cicada Secret

    Cicada Secret

    School would be out in less than two weeks. Lee was already feeling the approaching freedom. He was certainly glad his dad had bought a house on the last street inside the city limits of Memphis. Just across his street was a boy’s paradise. River bottoms! He could spend the whole summer playing in the…

  • Way of the Runner (Part 3)

    Way of the Runner (Part 3)

    The Rain Delay(Part three … Way of The Runner … ) At the next practice for the team the following week, all my team-mates gave me their sympathies. News of how Runo had beat me had traveled around the team and the school. I felt some consolation. Coach was pissed that I had let that…

  • Way of the Runner (Part 2)

    Way of the Runner (Part 2)

    First Race(Part two … Way of The Runner… ) Fifteen minutes’ notice was given ’round. The athletic building began emptying and my team moved briskly with the river of boys filing outside. The day was clear and not so cold as one might expect for Thanksgiving. It was ideal for running. A sizeable crowd of…

  • Way of the Runner (Part 1)

    Way of the Runner (Part 1)

    (Part 1) Written and posted in 2000 AD by Elias Alias, aka Franklin Shook, with an extensive prologue to create social and cultural background in which I learned the way of the runner for myself. Edited for publication in August 2024.~ Prologue  I recall my high school days — 1961, ’62, and ’63 Being much older…

  • Old Penny

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

  • Clandestine Mentality: Planting the Seeds of Terrorism

    Clandestine Mentality: Planting the Seeds of Terrorism

    The Mental Militia has for some years now asked: From where does anti-American terrorism come? What has caused the world to hate America, when just fifty years ago the world loved us? What is the price for initiating aggression world-wide? Who prompted the abuse of American seats of Governmental power in order to do the…

  • Demystifying The State

    Demystifying The State

    by Wendy McElry [lost]

  • King Klinton: Treason by Executive Order

    King Klinton: Treason by Executive Order

    **Synopsis:** In a recent Washington Post report, it has been revealed that the Clinton administration is considering a controversial new measure aimed at enhancing law enforcement capabilities. The proposed legislation, known as the Cyberspace Electronic Security Act, would grant federal agents the authority to secretly bypass encryption and access passwords on crime suspects’ personal and…

  • Yea! F E M A!

    Yea! F E M A!

    We know it really has to frost so many of these civil servants to have to post stuff like what is below upon the Internet where mentalitians such as we may chance upon it, but we have no mercy on them anyway. Nope. Even though it’s an obvious low-blow, we’re sharing this one with you…

  • Feds Want to Crack Personal Computers

    Feds Want to Crack Personal Computers

    Originally posted 1999 An introductory note by The Mental Militia: The following lengthy article will take some time to read, as will pursuit of provided links to other web-pages. Why anyone would want to read through this article has to do with gaining access to the currently nationalized governmental attitude about you, your private office,…

  • Columbia’s Growing Revolution and Fedgov.

    Columbia’s Growing Revolution and Fedgov.

    More Fedgov international imperialism from the State Department’s site

  • China, U.S. Fedgroup Gang Up On “Criminals” 

    China, U.S. Fedgroup Gang Up On “Criminals” 

    FBI now in a “sharing of evidence” PARTNERSHIP WITH CHINA (where they execute drug traffickers) “This is an important moment, and it’s the first legal agreement between these two great countries,” …. Barry McCaffreyMcCaffrey is the evil, treasonous Statist in charge of the U. S. War on Drugs Transcript: Drug Control Policy Chief on U.S.-China…

  • Government Agency Collusion (GAC!)

    Government Agency Collusion (GAC!)

    When government agencies conspire among themselves againstthe freedom of protected speech, or against the freedom of movement,or against the freedom to make numerous choices in personal thought,perspective, health initiatives, psychology, behaviors, communications,and more….and when that collusion shows clear intent to deprivethe citizenry of Constitutionally-guaranteed liberty and freedom…..can we not call such collusion “conspiracy”? Indeed, can…

  • Brave New Schools

    Brave New Schools

    BRAVE NEW SCHOOLS Spying 101 ~ Students taught to report classmates to authorities ~ By David M. Bresnahan ©© 2000 A new anti-violence program in America’s public school system is teaching children how to spy on other students and to turn them in, using an anonymous toll-free line to a detective agency. The W.A.V.E.…



    So here I am, locked in a cage in an ancient, crumbling dungeon, doomed to spend a decade of my life marching through these murky corridors under the watchful gaze of club wielding cops with bloated guts and beady, piggish pink eyes– cops that will routinely open my mail, control the food I eat and…



    Post Title: Awake and AlertAuthor:     jmaynenDate:       04/26/2000 1:58:24 PM Does a president have the legal right to use force – to use guns to furtherhis political agenda and to create some sort of a positive legacy? Apparently, there is quite a history of Presidents using armed force againstcitizens not charged with any crimes. This particular President…

  • Citizen Soldiers

    Citizen Soldiers

    by AnonymousThis article was found at Claire Wolfe’s site, Wolfe’s Lodgethe article’s url is… “This was posted anonymously to a Internet constitutionalist list. A copy was sent to Wolfe’s Lodge with the following note: If you decide to use this, please delete all sig and header ID. I am practicing more safe speaks these…