Elias Alias

Elias Alias, Author

Philosophical Poet; Gold Sculpting Jewelry Designer and Diamond Setter; Honorably Discharged U.S. Marine Viet Nam Veteran; Proud Father And Grandfather; Metaphysical Student of Spiritual Energies; Willing Slave To All Cats; Happy Country Boy Grown Old; Fully Cognizant Self-Owning Individualist; Amateur Student Of Spirit, Soul, And Psyche; Loyal Advocate of Love’s Thought System; Respectful And Appreciative Human Creation Of And By Universal Nature; Pseudonym: “Elias Alias”; Founding Member Oath Keepers Board of Directors (6 years) and Oath Keepers national website editor in chief (7 years); Resigned Oath Keepers 2016; Signature: “Flowering Intelligence, Universal Garden, The Bloom Of A Sunrise Is Yesterday’s Pardon.”

Way of the Runner

A 3-Part Series by Elias Alias in Autobiographical Format

  • Way of the Runner (Part 1)

    Way of the Runner (Part 1)

    (Part 1) Written and posted in 2000 AD by Elias Alias, aka Franklin Shook, with an extensive prologue to create social and cultural background in which I learned the way of the runner for myself. Edited for publication in August 2024.~ Prologue  I recall my high school days — 1961, ’62, and ’63 Being much older…

  • Way of the Runner (Part 2)

    Way of the Runner (Part 2)

    First Race(Part two … Way of The Runner… )Fifteen minutes’ notice was given ’round. The athletic building began emptying and my team moved briskly with the river of boys filing outside. The day was clear and not so cold as one might expect for Thanksgiving. It was ideal for running. A sizeable crowd of students…

  • Way of the Runner (Part 3)

    Way of the Runner (Part 3)

    The Rain Delay(Part three … Way of The Runner … ) At the next practice for the team the following week, all my team-mates gave me their sympathies. News of how Runo had beat me had traveled around the team and the school. I felt some consolation. Coach was pissed that I had let that…

Solve Et Coagula

Long ago, somewhere near the edge of a pre-primordial village, an old alchemist pumped his billows at the crucible of his work. During his long night of work he added bits of metal and mineral to a coarse glob of fire-married formulations, heating the elements of the only world he saw, stirring them together as his fire brought them slowly to melt. He then would allow them to cool and become solid once again. Pitching in a pinch of yet another element, he would fire the crucible over again until the mass was a molten bubble of liquid metal. It was then that he could stir his metallic formula with charcoal, stirring slowly as one might stir one’s soup.

Cicada Secret

Read this entertaining short story by Elias Alias for free at The Mental Militia’s official website.